Your weekly horoscope for 13 July to 19 July

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Avoid those unwanted surprises, and rather be in the know. Read your weekly horoscope here.
Everything you need to know for your upcoming week.


Wednesday’s partial lunar eclipse will kick-start a fresh phase for you in your general direction. For some, this will mean changes in your career; for others, in your activities or even status. This could be an intense time, so pace yourself.


The lunar eclipse will help ‘earth’ your projects, providing a little more of a sense of stability, even if in the process, some hurdles must be overcome, especially financially or with shared duties and goals. Aim to turn a corner with new ventures.


Wednesday’s lunar eclipse points to a fresh phase for you in relation to shared or joint responsibilities. You may change financial agreements and personal arrangements. This may be an intense but enjoyable time, so aim to overcome speed bumps.


You’re ready to turn a corner with an important relationship. This may be a particularly decisive week, and you could bring a great deal more security into a relationship, even if certain commitments must be met first. Romance could blossom.


A fresh daily, work or health routine should provide you with increasing sense of progress, although there may be a tough call or important developments to negotiate first. A reunion could be ideal; romance should blossom towards next weekend.


Be prepared to dig deep emotionally to make a fresh understanding with someone close - and to reach a compassionate agreement. You may even offer more than you initially were willing to do. Avoid taking others’ problems personally and look for solutions.


Wednesday’s partial lunar eclipse signals a fresh chapter with family or at home. You may need to make a tough call regarding your own personal space versus work or duties. You’ll gain validation by Friday that your choices were correct.


A fresh understanding with someone could open doors to fun activities; and company with like-minded people. A trip or visit could tug on your heart strings but will be transformative in the long-term. Romance should blossom by next weekend.


Wednesday’s lunar eclipse signals a fresh financial or personal commitment. You may need to weigh the odds carefully; or must make a tough call. If you feel disappointed about developments at home or with family, there will be a silver lining.


Wednesday’s partial lunar eclipse will be in your sign, and signals the beginning of a new cycle, especially if you were born mid-January. Events may be intense, especially regarding relationships and finances, so ensure you take time out when possible.


You’re ready to close a door to your past. This may manifest as the willingness to let an aspect of your daily life go, such as a bad habit or even an unfulfilling job. Changes are part of a bigger-picture process that makes way for improvements.


Your involvement with someone close will be in the spotlight, and you’ll do well to avoid a power struggle. For some, however, developments will revolve around romance and passion: this could be an intense time, so ensure you maintain perspective.

By Patsy Bennett

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