Your weekly horoscope for 14 to 20 March 2020

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Astrology fans, read your weekly horoscope here to avoid any unwanted surprises, and to know what to expect in the upcoming week.
Everything you need to know for your upcoming week.


February 20-March 20
A chance arises to alter a plan of action which you thought had been sorted out in early February of this year. Mercury’s move into Pisces favours sales, getting a message across to the public and intuitive thinking. Trust your hunches.


March 21-April 20
You are entering a phase when it would be best to conduct certain key meetings or plans behind closed doors. You never know who might be listening and waiting to steal your ideas. Keep friends close – and enemies not so close.


April 21-May 21
Legal, educational and philosophical themes in your life are under brilliant cosmic energies, favouring any kind of research or pushing ahead with a project, such as litigation. It’s a case of sticking to your principles and telling no lies for victory.


May 22-June 21
Career has felt in the doldrums of late and you may have wasted time wondering and moping. Now pace of life starts to quicken again as ruler Mercury brightens your sense of purpose and you quickly catch up to meet deadlines.


June 22-July 23
At long last you’re in a better position to plan a long-distance journey or undertake a new study after a period of delays. Don’t be afraid to aim high and follow a dream or fantasy. Instincts are strong right now.


July 24-August 23
Health and wellbeing will have preoccupied you in the past few months. If you’re awaiting medical results, there’s good news. Generally, seek a spiritual practice to enable you to relax and think in peace. This will help you become more effective.


August 24- September 23
Specialist advice is required to help guide you in an important matter. Ask questions because you don’t know it all! The information supplied will unravel a mystery or provide options for a solution to a problem. Creative energies remain very powerful.


September 24-October 23
The self-indulgent mood continues with ruler Venus travelling through luxury-loving Taurus (until early April). This could collide with family duties or other people’s expectations. Yet a lucky financial development remains a distinct possibility. A partner’s gain may benefit you.


October 24-November 22
Take up any opportunity to travel. It won’t be so much about taking a holiday as pushing a work interest or communicating an important message. You are greatly favoured if trying to sell something or finding very useful new contacts.


November 23-December 21
Dynamic Mars joins your ruler Jupiter, so take the initiative in furthering a plan to increase income through a business. Steps taken now will offer you long-term financial security if you play your cards right. Hard work is rewarded.


December 22-January 20
An exceptionally busy time will see you constantly on the phone and fielding emails. Friends and relatives prove demanding – and this is a good time to sort out paperwork you may have put off. Personal growth is emphasised in this phase.


January 21-February 19
A spiritual inner journey may not seem practical. Yet such an approach can help make sense of life and give you fresh impetus to get out in the world to make a difference. A chance to explore the soul presents itself.

By Victor Olliver

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